Welcome to Fort Privateer!
This blog will serve as a chronicle for my Skyway Piratin' Adventures. Of course from time to time I may post Petnome related material here which may or may not pertain to Pirate101. Likewise, sometimes posts will be about real life things and in this way this blog will also be a personal blog. Meaning that some of the posts will be about me, my life with SorceressMiklai, and other endeavors such as photography (I love to take pics, especially landscape and wildlife!) or other video games.
To be quite honest the only reason why I even remembered I had an alternate blog to my now defunct Raven's Vault (2010-2012) was SorceressMiklai reminding me. I know, sad right? But what are lovers for? If not to remind you when you forget....like Anniversaries and Birthdays. Or that one time you want to forget about being kicked off the bed but she personally loves to remind you! -_- But I digress, Moving on to the juicy details of things about me.
I was born and grew up in Southern Arizona. Now stop! I know what you're thinking now...you're thinking "Oh Arizona, he's from Planet Desert, where the only things that grow are cactus" and...I'd be laughing at you. Actually, me and Stephen Spiritcaller (He's from AZ too) would both probably laugh at you. Yes, Arizona has desert and I won't lie the most famous imagery my state provides is of stunning sunsets, the cowboy way, and lots of cactus. We are these things...Tombstone didn't get it's motto "Town too tough to die" for no reason, you know?
We are so much more though and if one looks beyond the postcards and common portrayal in media you'll find a great place. With mountains and canyons ancient as time itself, Beautiful Pine forests, Rivers and valleys, and a culture that goes back hundreds of years when Native Americans, Spain, and Mexico claimed Arizona as their own. However, something caught my heart...if I were to say I love my home, which let's be honest if you know me you know I love Arizona, this person captured my heart even more. Yeah, you guessed it! SorceressMiklai happened and not even Arizona could stop me from lovin' her.
What does that mean exactly? It means I packed my bags and left Arizona. I'll always wear a badge of pride for Arizona but you can't deny love and I didn't. Where did I find love? in Texas of course. We are together now over 3 years later. Livin' in Texas. To one day be bonded eternally.
How's that for a love story? I mean I did cut out a lot of the juicy details but that's for me to know and you to probably never know, haha. Moving on, basically like I said above this will be my Pirate story. I'll try to make them fun and maybe you'll learn something! I'm famous for that! My various knowledge of things in fact I've been called a "Walking Encyclopedia" before.
I, like SorceressMiklai started Pirate101 during Beta August 3rd, 2012. I was invited to Alpha but at that point it was already time to launch to Beta so I just waited for Beta to launch.
Pirate101 has been great for me. Not only do I stay in the universe I fell in love with originally in Wizard101. I also get different gameplay and a much more mature story, but Pirate101 doesn't lose it's humor despite being more serious in tone. The narrative sounds simple enough "Defeat the bad guy named Kane and his Clockwork army! Save the Spiral!" but as anyone who has played for awhile knows Pirate101 is so much more than that.
It's hard to explain to people because there is so much that goes on in Pirate101. If we were to pit Wizard101 and Pirate101 against each other...Pirate101 wins hands down for creatin' a better livin' breathin' world. It's not just about being a Pirate..it's about Redemption, Pain, Death, Forgiveness, War, Alliances, Good, Evil, and finding out the secrets of our Parent's death/disappearance and the Spiral at large.
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